YFCA  Distributes Fourth Round of CFW in Shabwah and Ad Dali’ governorates

- Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

YFAC distributed the fourth round of the CFW assistance  to 230 households across the districts of Mayfa’ah in Shabwah governorate and Ash Shu’ayb in Ad Dali’ governorate.The CFW activity is part of the  broader Multi-sectoral Emergency Response project aimed at supporting internally displaced persons (IDPs) and other vulnerable groups in Ad Dali’ and Shabwah Governorates. This project receives funding from the German Federal Foreign Office (AA) in partnership with Diakonie-Katastrophenhilfe (DKH).
The overarching goal of the CFW activity is twofold: to ensure that households in the targeted communities can meet their basic food needs through cash assistance, and to provide them with opportunities to develop skills through participation in CFW interventions.
Each participating household received 155,000 Yemeni Rials, a sum determined by the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC) approved transfer value, and reflective of the number of days worked. Beneficiaries contributed to community development through labor-intensive projects, including the construction of gabions and road paving.
This initiative represents a vital step towards alleviating the hardships faced by many in Yemen, offering a beacon of hope and a path to self-sufficiency for those affected by the crisis.


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