Food Security and Livelihoods

Situation overview:
According to recent international reports the number of people in need for food security and agriculture is 14.1 million Yemenis, 7 million of which witness an acute need. In addition, round 8 million Yemenis have lost their livelihoods or are living in communities with minimal to no basic services as a result of the ongoing conflict.
Yemen is highly reliant on food imports to satisfy domestic demand.  Price volatility rendered more Yemenis vulnerable to food and livelihood, and the majority of households are now in a critical food security situation. Price hikes and currency deterioration with the vanishing livelihood are pushing more people towards food insecurity. In addition, the country witness a drastic decline in the economy especially in the agricultural and. the fishery sectors.
Program scope and strategy:
  • Identifying threats and vulnerabilities for targeted communities, stir up advocacy efforts to extend needed protection.
  • Support participatory engagement with affected communities
  • Target the most vulnerable and food-insecure groups
  • Provide equitable access to all affected communities
  • Protect conflict-affected communities and facilitate humanitarian access to food and livelihood assistance
  • Helping groups to become more resilient and decrease relying on humanitarian food assistance through encouraging youth-empowering and local production methods.
  • Create capacity-building programs and post-distribution monitoring mechanism in order to increase community-level performance and accountability.
  • Our Food and agriculture programs embraces environmental awareness by incorporating climate change, natural resource management, and conservation principles into projects that improve global food security.
  • The program increases communities' knowledge of sound agricultural methods suitable to the regional landscape, cultural needs, and environment concerns.
  • The program empowers farmers how to diversify viable crops, make the best use of the local growing seasons, and preserve local natural resources. The program objectives is to create communities that can produce nutritious food for themselves in a sustainable manner
YFCA is an active member of the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) within the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC) therefore, the projects implemented are aligned with the clusters’ recommendations and standards.
This year we implemented two projects under the FSL umbrella with the generous support of FAO and UNOCHA targeting six districts in three governorates. The goals were to provide life-saving food assistance to most affected IDPs and host communities and to protect and restore essential agriculture livelihood assets for IDPs and host communities.
